School Uniform

All students are expected to wear the school uniform at all times in school and when representing the school.

Boys Girls
Official College Crested Jumper Official College Crested Jumper
Red Polo Shirt Red Polo Shirt
Black Pants Black School Skirt/Black Pants
Black Socks Black Socks
Black Shoes/Runners Black Shoes/Runners


Students are required to wear the official PE Uniform available from Boru Sports

An official Newport College quarter zip-top and tracksuit pants

Red Polo Shirt  from Dunnes/Penneys etc

Black Runners with fully black sole and no other colour on shoe.

Please note: that students must come to school and leave school in full school uniform.

On PE days they may wear their PE uniform for the entire day.

Where to purchase the Uniform

Full school uniform of Jumper, Polo Shirt, Pants/Skirt, Black Shoes must be worn daily.

Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled.