Senior Cycle Curriculum
Core Exam Subjects:
- English
- Irish
- Maths
Option Subjects :
- Engineering
- Construction Studies
- Design and Communication Graphics
- Business
- Accounting
- Economics
- Music
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Agricultural Science
- French
- Geography
- History
- Physical Education
- Home Economics
- Art
» LCVP is an additional 8th subject option
Students taking part in the traditional Leaving Certificate will also have the option of completing three link modules to give a more vocationally oriented curriculum. The link modules are:
- Preparation for the World of Work
- Enterprise
- Work Experience
These link modules are assessed by producing a folder over the two years of the Leaving Certificate and also an exam at the end of the second year. Students will be awarded points on the successful completion of the link modules which can be used to increase their Leaving Certificate points for entry to colleges.